
松井利世子 – Violin

3歳よりピアノ、7歳よりヴァイオリンを始め、これまでに滝沢達哉、故 江藤俊哉、江藤アンジェラ、辰巳明子、徳永二男の各氏に師事。




その後、イタリアにおける国際音楽コンクールIBRA Grand Prizeにて最高位並びにバッハ賞、同じくイタリアにてミケランジェロ・アバド国際ヴァイオリンコンクール第2位を受賞。翌年、アメリカで催されたIBLAガラコンサートに招かれ、ニューヨークカーネギーホールを皮切りに数都市でのツアー公演に出演。
2006年夏の結成当初より2007年12月まで「高嶋ちさ子 12人のヴァイオリニスト」のメンバーとして活動をする。また、TVドラマ「のだめカンタービレ」で、実技指導をすると共に出演もした。




2014年 「グリーグ:ヴァイオリンソタナ全曲集」をリリース。


Riyoko Matsui, Violin

Studied piano since age 3, violin from age 7 with well-known professors as such as Tatusya Takizawa, Toshiya Eto, Akiko Tatsumi and Tsugio Tokunagawa. She has also studied chamber music under the supervision of Shuku Iwasaki andKazuoki Fujii .
She attended Rikkyo Elementary and junior hight School, Toho Gakuen School of Music and graduated in 2003.
Riyoko won her prize in the High School division of All Japan Music Competition in 1997, won her 1st prize in Toshiya Eto Violin Competition and appeared as soloist with the Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra in 1999.
She as also worked in Europe with reknowned violinists in their master classes.
After the release of her 1st CD recording “Fantasia” she was invited to a music festival in Sichuan Province Government . She has won a grand prize and the Bach Prize at the IBLA International Music Compeition in Italy, also winning her 2nd prize at Michelangelo Abbado Violin Competition in Milano. She was invited to IBLA Gala Concert Tour which included a concert at the Carnegie Hall in New York City and Little Rock.
She has participated in Miyazaki International Music Festival and played under Maestro Charles Dutoit, the Karuizawa Arts Festival, and also in the Spring Festival in Tokyo who she played under Maestro Riccardo Muti.
Riyoko has been active with participating in environmental and food issues in Japan. She was a part of the world’s first Donation CD “Earth@Music”, playing in concerts produced by NGO Group “JapanPLATFORM”,”Peace winds Japan” and “The Eye mate Inc.
She has released her 10th year anniversary album of Robert Schumann’s Violin Sonatas in 2012.
Simple and natural is her motto and she perceives music as one of the most beautiful ways to express human nature and its soul.